API reference

Note that everything is accessible from the ipysheet namespace. For example, you can do from ipysheet import sheet, from_dataframe


Easy context-based interface for generating a sheet and cells.

Comparable to matplotlib pylab interface, this interface keeps track of the current sheet. Using the cell function, Cell widgets are added to the current sheet.

ipysheet.easy.sheet(key=None, rows=5, columns=5, column_width=None, row_headers=True, column_headers=True, stretch_headers='all', cls=<class 'ipysheet.sheet.Sheet'>, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a new Sheet instance or retrieves one registered with key, and sets this as the ‘current’.

If the key argument is given, and no sheet is created before with this key, it will be registered under this key. If this function is called again with the same key argument, that Sheet instance will be returned.

  • key (string) – If not used before, register the sheet under this key. If used before, return the previous Sheet instance registered with this key.
  • rows (int) – The number of rows in the sheet
  • columns (int) – The number of columns in the sheet
  • row_headers (bool, list) – Either a boolean specifying if row headers should be displayed or not, or a list of strings containing the row headers
  • column_headers (bool, list) – Either a boolean specifying if column headers should be displayed or not, or a list of strings containing the column headers

The new Sheet widget, or if key is given, the previously created sheet registered with this key.


>>> from ipysheet import sheet, current
>>> s1 = sheet('key1')
>>> s2 = sheet('key2')
>>> assert s2 is current()
>>> assert s1 is sheet('key1')
>>> assert s1 is current()
Returns:the current Sheet instance
ipysheet.easy.cell(row, column, value=0.0, type=None, color=None, background_color=None, font_style=None, font_weight=None, style=None, label_left=None, choice=None, read_only=False, numeric_format='0.000', date_format='YYYY/MM/DD', renderer=None, **kwargs)[source]

Adds a new Cell widget to the current Sheet

  • row (int) – Zero based row index where to put the cell in the sheet
  • column (int) – Zero based column index where to put the cell in the sheet
  • value (int, float, string, bool, Widget) – The value of the cell
  • type (string) – Type of cell, options are: text, numeric, checkbox, dropdown, numeric, date, widget. If type is None, the type is inferred from the type of the value being passed, numeric (float or int type), boolean (bool type), widget (any widget object), or else text. When choice is given the type will be assumed to be dropdown. The types refer (currently) to the handsontable types: https://handsontable.com/docs/6.2.2/demo-custom-renderers.html
  • color (string) – The text color in the cell
  • background_color (string) – The background color in the cell
  • read_only (bool) – Whether the cell is editable or not
  • numeric_format (string) – Numbers format
  • date_format (string) – Dates format
  • time_format (string) – Time format
  • renderer (string) – Renderer name to use for the cell

The new Cell widget.


>>> from ipysheet import sheet, cell
>>> s1 = sheet()
>>> cell(0, 0, 36.)            # The Cell type will be 'numeric'
>>> cell(1, 0, True)           # The Cell type will be 'checkbox'
>>> cell(0, 1, 'Hello World!') # The Cell type will be 'text'
>>> c = cell(1, 1, True)
>>> c.value = False            # Dynamically changing the cell value at row=1, column=1
ipysheet.easy.calculation(inputs, output, initial_calculation=True)[source]

A decorator that assigns to output cell a calculation depending on the inputs

  • inputs (list of widgets, or (widget, 'traitname') pairs) – List of all widget, whose values (default ‘value’, otherwise specified by ‘traitname’) are input of the function that is decorated
  • output (widget or (widget, 'traitname')) – The output of the decorator function will be assigned to output.value or output.<traitname>.
  • initial_calculation (bool) – When True the calculation will be done directly for the first time.


>>> from ipywidgets import IntSlider
>>> from ipysheet import cell, calculation
>>> a = cell(0, 0, value=1)
>>> b = cell(1, 0, value=IntSlider(value=2))
>>> c = IntSlider(max=56)
>>> d = cell(3, 0, value=1)
>>> @calculation(inputs=[a, (b, 'value'), (c, 'max')], output=d)
>>> def add(a, b, c):
>>>     return a + b + c
ipysheet.easy.row(row, value, column_start=0, column_end=None, type=None, color=None, background_color=None, font_style=None, font_weight=None, style=None, choice=None, read_only=False, numeric_format='0.000', date_format='YYYY/MM/DD', renderer=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a Cell widget, representing multiple cells in a sheet, in a horizontal row

  • row (int) – Zero based row index where to put the row in the sheet
  • value (list) – The list of cell values representing the row
  • column_start (int) – Which column the row will start, default 0.
  • column_end (int) – Which column the row will end, default is the last.
  • type (string) – Type of cell, options are: text, numeric, checkbox, dropdown, numeric, date, widget. If type is None, the type is inferred from the type of the value being passed, numeric (float or int type), boolean (bool type), widget (any widget object), or else text. When choice is given the type will be assumed to be dropdown. The types refer (currently) to the handsontable types: https://handsontable.com/docs/6.2.2/demo-custom-renderers.html
  • color (string) – The text color in the cell
  • background_color (string) – The background color in the cell
  • read_only (bool) – Whether the cell is editable or not
  • numeric_format (string) – Numbers format
  • date_format (string) – Dates format
  • time_format (string) – Time format
  • renderer (string) – Renderer name to use for the cell

The new Cell widget.


>>> from ipysheet import sheet, row
>>> s1 = sheet()
>>> row(0, [1, 2, 3, 34, 5])                    # The Cell type will be 'numeric'
>>> row(1, [True, False, True], column_start=2) # The Cell type will be 'checkbox'
ipysheet.easy.column(column, value, row_start=0, row_end=None, type=None, color=None, background_color=None, font_style=None, font_weight=None, style=None, choice=None, read_only=False, numeric_format='0.000', date_format='YYYY/MM/DD', renderer=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a Cell widget, representing multiple cells in a sheet, in a vertical column

  • column (int) – Zero based column index where to put the column in the sheet
  • value (list) – The list of cell values representing the column
  • row_start (int) – Which row the column will start, default 0.
  • row_end (int) – Which row the column will end, default is the last.
  • type (string) – Type of cell, options are: text, numeric, checkbox, dropdown, numeric, date, widget. If type is None, the type is inferred from the type of the value being passed, numeric (float or int type), boolean (bool type), widget (any widget object), or else text. When choice is given the type will be assumed to be dropdown. The types refer (currently) to the handsontable types: https://handsontable.com/docs/6.2.2/demo-custom-renderers.html
  • color (string) – The text color in the cell
  • background_color (string) – The background color in the cell
  • read_only (bool) – Whether the cell is editable or not
  • numeric_format (string) – Numbers format
  • date_format (string) – Dates format
  • time_format (string) – Time format
  • renderer (string) – Renderer name to use for the cell

The new Cell widget.


>>> from ipysheet import sheet, column
>>> s1 = sheet()
>>> column(0, [1, 2, 3, 34, 5])                 # The Cell type will be 'numeric'
>>> column(1, [True, False, True], row_start=2) # The Cell type will be 'checkbox'
ipysheet.easy.cell_range(value, row_start=0, column_start=0, row_end=None, column_end=None, transpose=False, squeeze_row=False, squeeze_column=False, type=None, color=None, background_color=None, font_style=None, font_weight=None, style=None, choice=None, read_only=False, numeric_format='0.000', date_format='YYYY/MM/DD', renderer=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a Cell widget, representing multiple cells in a sheet

  • value (list) – The list of cell values representing the range
  • row_start (int) – Which row the range will start, default 0.
  • column_start (int) – Which column the range will start, default 0.
  • row_end (int) – Which row the range will end, default is the last.
  • column_end (int) – Which column the range will end, default is the last.
  • transpose (bool) – Whether to interpret the value array as value[column_index][row_index] or not.
  • squeeze_row (bool) – Take out the row dimensions, meaning only value[column_index] is used.
  • squeeze_column (bool) – Take out the column dimensions, meaning only value[row_index] is used.
  • type (string) – Type of cell, options are: text, numeric, checkbox, dropdown, numeric, date, widget. If type is None, the type is inferred from the type of the value being passed, numeric (float or int type), boolean (bool type), widget (any widget object), or else text. When choice is given the type will be assumed to be dropdown. The types refer (currently) to the handsontable types: https://handsontable.com/docs/6.2.2/demo-custom-renderers.html
  • color (string) – The text color in the cell
  • background_color (string) – The background color in the cell
  • read_only (bool) – Whether the cell is editable or not
  • numeric_format (string) – Numbers format
  • date_format (string) – Dates format
  • time_format (string) – Time format
  • renderer (string) – Renderer name to use for the cell

The new Cell widget.


>>> from ipysheet import sheet, cell_range
>>> s1 = sheet()
>>> cell_range([[1, 2, 3, 34, 5], [6, 7, 8, 89, 10]])
ipysheet.easy.hold_cells(*args, **kwds)[source]

Hold adding any cell widgets until leaving this context.

This may give a better performance when adding many cells.


>>> from ipysheet import sheet, cell, hold_cells
>>> sheet(rows=10,columns=10)
>>> with hold_cells()
>>>    for i in range(10):
>>>        for j in range(10):
>>>            cell(i, j, value=i * 10 + j)
>>> # at this line, the Cell widgets are added
ipysheet.easy.renderer(code, name)[source]

Create a Renderer widget

  • code (string or code or function object) – If a string object, it is assumed to be a JavaScript snippet, else it is assumed to be a function or code object and will be transpiled to javascript using flexxui/pscript.
  • name (string) – Name of the renderer

The new Renderer widget.


>>> from ipysheet import sheet, renderer, cell
>>> s1 = sheet()
>>> def renderer_negative(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties):
>>>     Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
>>>     if value < 0:
>>>         td.style.backgroundColor = 'orange'
>>>     else:
>>>         td.style.backgroundColor = ''
>>> renderer(code=renderer_negative, name='negative');
>>> cell(0, 0, 36, renderer='negative')  # Will be white
>>> cell(1, 0, -36, renderer='negative') # Will be orange



Helper function for creating a sheet out of a Pandas DataFrame

Parameters:dataframe (Pandas DataFrame) –
Returns:Sheet widget


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from ipysheet import from_dataframe
>>> dates = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=6)
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 4), index=dates, columns=list('ABCD'))
>>> sheet = from_dataframe(df)
>>> display(sheet)

Helper function for creating a Pandas DataFrame out of a sheet

Parameters:sheet (Sheet widget) –
Returns:A Pandas DataFrame


>>> import ipysheet
>>> sheet = ipysheet.sheet(rows=3, columns=4)
>>> ipysheet.cell(0, 0, 'Hello')
>>> ipysheet.cell(2, 0, 'World')
>>> df = to_dataframe(sheet)
>>> display(df)



Helper function for creating a sheet out of a NumPy Array

Parameters:array (NumPy Array) –
Returns:Sheet widget


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ipysheet import from_array
>>> arr = np.random.randn(6, 26)
>>> sheet = from_array(arr)
>>> display(sheet)

Helper function for creating a NumPy Array out of a sheet

Parameters:sheet (Sheet widget) –
Returns:A NumPy Array


>>> import ipysheet
>>> sheet = ipysheet.sheet(rows=3, columns=4)
>>> ipysheet.cell(0, 0, 'Hello')
>>> ipysheet.cell(2, 0, 'World')
>>> arr = to_array(sheet)
>>> display(arr)


class ipysheet.sheet.Sheet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ipywidgets.widgets.domwidget.DOMWidget


An instance of a Python tuple.


A trait type representing a Union type.


A boolean (True, False) trait.


A trait type representing a Union type.


A casting version of the int trait.


An instance of a Python dict.


A trait type representing a Union type.


A boolean (True, False) trait.


A casting version of the int trait.


A trait for unicode strings.


A trait for unicode strings.

class ipysheet.sheet.Cell(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ipywidgets.widgets.widget.Widget


An instance of a Python list.


A casting version of the int trait.


A casting version of the int trait.


A trait for unicode strings.


A trait for unicode strings.


A trait for unicode strings.


A boolean (True, False) trait.


A trait for unicode strings.


A casting version of the int trait.


A casting version of the int trait.


A boolean (True, False) trait.


A boolean (True, False) trait.


An instance of a Python dict.


A trait for unicode strings.


A boolean (True, False) trait.


A trait for unicode strings.


A trait which allows any value.

class ipysheet.sheet.Range(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ipywidgets.widgets.widget.Widget


A trait type representing a Union type.